I've been confronted with comments such as, "I'll give you two weeks" and "xanga forever!". I will have you two punks know that I intend to keep up with this blog and update it as often as my brain gives me material to update with. As my dear roommate from the Bronx would say, "You can drink your hater-ade somewhere else." OK, fine, she's not from the Bronx. She's from Queens.
Fear not, faithful readers. I shall persevere. Because I have endurance. --- Host of the TV show 'Endurance':
and now, I leave you with this (slightly annoying, yet strangely catchy) music video.
I recently stumbled upon my old "blogs" on Xanga, and realized that I really liked having a space to write about my day and my thoughts. So, I've decided to start one anew. Now, whether anyone will read this...who knows?
I am currently sitting in class. LC286, Chinese Culture. I have no idea what the professor is talking about. I think we're discussing 紫沙茶壺. I tried to use Google Image Search to find a picture of a Zisha teapot to show you, but here's a picture that showed up instead. So, I leave you with this, and hope that you'll be back to read soon.