Saturday, July 19, 2008

let's call the whole thing off.

Recently, I was on the phone with a friend. At the end of our conversation, I cheerily told her I'd "talk to [her] soon!!!". She replied, "Yep, I'll talk to you later."


Now, at the risk of being called trivial, I'll let you know that I've been pondering the difference between the phrase "talk to you later" and the phrase "talk to you soon". Is this simply a case of tomato vs. tomah-to? Are they the same? Which do you use? Do they imply different things?

I sometimes feel slighted when someone says "ttyl" in response to my "tty soon". Don't you wish to speak with me again sooner rather than later?


jfei said...

sometimes i just like to say, "i'll talk to ya, man/woman." because not too many people use that.

Lulu Hu said...

I usually say "I'll talk to you later" because I see later as anytime after now. So now, it's already later. Hmm... but I'll be sure to talk with you sooner than later then - Like those now and later candies?

Karen said...

or tomates ;)