Monday, December 15, 2008

thus ends the first 2 decades of my life.

the days of my youth cease to exist.

it's over.

the good old days are now but a dream.

i'm on the decline.


Melody Lun said...

My question to you is, what did you have to google image search to find that picture?

"Decrepit old woman"
"Jessica at the decline of her youth"

jerry said...

ooh, let's play a game. what's missing from that picture?

NOTHING. mwahaha.


not really.

but no, really.

Danielle said...

oh, jessicaaa, you amuse me. and this randomly reminds me of that picture that we took when the four of us were the same age on like, one day. and that day was what, yesterday? hahah.

btw, your birthday gift is going to be laaaaate. very late. :)

Lulu Hu said...

happy birthdayy!!!!! :)

Bella said...

Happy birthday! Again again! Hwahaha oh Jesssss thats a funny picture :)

Sue said...

her teeth are missing

Jared said...

on behalf of calvin, happy belated birthday