So, today, after dinner, I went to the store with my mom. On the way out, I saw this hideous display of men's neckties. I mean... hideous. First of all, the small round table on which the ties were placed was in complete disarray. Someone had foraged through the ties, and no employee had bothered to reorganize them. As I contemplated exactly how much distress the clutter was causing me, I saw a tie that was particularly outstanding (and I don't mean 'outstanding' in the way that your 5th grade teacher means it when she writes it on your paper next to a foil star sticker). I took a picture with my phone as evidence of its... not-so-tasteful appearance:

The first thought that hit me was "wow, that's an ugly tie." It had slightly uneven stripes all over it (in shades of blue and green) and it honestly looked as if it'd been colored in with magic markers. I continued to frown disapprovingly and the following (slightly harsh) thought crossed my mind:
only way this tie would ever be worth buying was if some poor cancer-stricken child had designed it and was selling it to raise money.
And then I saw the label.
Being the loving, nurturing, kind person that I am, the first thought that crossed my mind was that "there's no way you could've known."
However, as a fellow blogger, I think you will understand why I am about to say the following. But just in case you don't, let me preface my statement by explaining that sometimes we are pressured to say things for the shock value.
You are a horrible person. The only way you could've redeemed yourself is by buying the tie. And I bet you didn't buy it.
But in all honesty, I think that tie's pretty awesome. I'd wear it. But not as a tie. Maybe as a belt.
i would totally wear it. it would clash and i'd love it. then people will be like, "nice tie..pfff" And i would be like, "a child suffering from cancer made it." and then they'll be like, "i'm gonna go get one now." yeeeaaaa
too funny. that's like someone in advertising (or marketing? i don't know, one of those departments) having a sick little chuckle--like hey, we'll make this tie really ugly, but it will be for charity so people HAVE to buy it!
I actually am a bad person.
you better have bought it!
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