In the past 24 hours, I have ingested well over 300mg of caffeine (I mean... definitely more than that). It was a long day, and I've been downing coffee after coffee in a last ditch effort to stay awake. Just so happens that my professor mentioned "Caffeine Intoxication" during lecture today. That's right. It's a diagnosable disorder.
Below, I present to you the Diagnostic Criteria for Caffeine Intoxication (as stated in the DSM-IV). I've highlighted the symptoms I've experienced throughout the day.

This is probably not a good thing.
My favorite is "gastrointestinal disturbance."
They make poo-ing sound so eloquent.
i always used to get lots of symptom 7 back in my coffee drinking days
jess, i wish i were there to comfort you.
p.s. instead of caffeine, you should eat some clif bars. they're a healthy alternative for coffee, but they keep you full for a while cause it's like 5 bajillion things crushed into one bar. ok, yeah maybe it does sound a bit nasty. but it's good! :)
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