Friday, September 12, 2008

Jessica is shaking her fist angrily.

I do not wish to preface this post other than by saying that the following is an email I just sent to Melody, plus bits and pieces of a conversation I had with Jerry. I am ornery.
Dear Melody,

I am currently sitting in Abnormal Psychology, and I feel like dying. We just spent 25 minutes going over Freud and then Humanism. And now he's talking about Behavioral Psychology and classical conditioning. Umm... newsflash? This is PS371. WHY are we doing intro stuff? Honestly, earlier in class, someone raised their hand and didn't know what the Oedipus Complex was. Excuse me, miss. If you don't know what the Oedipus Complex is, you should stand up, pack up your things, and walk over to PS101.

Seriously! This is the 5th lecture of the course and I cannot believe he's talking about Pavlov. Get awayyyy from me.


Jerry: the number and class name do not make me feel like it's an intro class
you should leave.
me: i'm sitting in the far back corner.
Jerry: or raise your hand and say, "when does the learning start"
me: if I was in the front row, I would definitely walk out. immediately.
me: i don't know why i'm so ornery.
I think it's because this is my last class... on a Friday.
Jerry: how many lectures have you had so far
that would do it.
me: umm, this is lecture #5.
Jerry: wow
that is a little ridiculous
me: no
he's talking about classical conditioning
Jerry:and this is from hs psych
pavlov and his puppies
me: puppies.
i like them.
i'm writing a ranting email to melody.
because she enjoys my anger.
Jerry: haha
she's funny...
classical conditioning = showering to mozart
me:OMG. he just said, "we're now going to differentiate between reinforcement and punishment."
you are JOKING me.
[repeatedly slams head against wall].
Jerry: haha
add that.
especially the repeatedly slamming of the head.

Raaarrrr. The end.

1 comment:

Melody Lun said...

I think the conversation between Jerry and you highly enhances my experience of your anger.

I do not enjoy your anger. I bask in it. Ok, that sounded creepy. I find amusement in observing from where you derive your anger. That sounds better.

Anyway, my favorite part of your e-mail was the "Get awayyyy from me." Because I would say the same thing.