Wednesday, September 10, 2008

for the sake of organization

I've long found the world to be too spontaneous, too chaotic, too disorganized for my liking. I can't tell if that's what made me type A, or if that feeling stemmed from me already being type A. As far back as I can remember, I've liked to put things in order. It doesn't matter what order-- alphabetical, numerical, color, size... they give me the same sense of calm.

Anyway, as I was sitting at the dining room table this evening, taking notes on my brand new textbook ("Psychology and the Legal System"), I whipped out a bag of gummy bears with the sole intention of keeping myself from going into hypoglycemic shock. What I found myself doing (instead of reading about therapeutic jurisprudence and the like) was, that's right, putting the bears into color order. After creating 2 rows of perfectly aligned greatness, I decided it was probably time to start consumption. As I was chatting it up with Melody, I happily popped the red and orange gummy bears (separately, of course) into my mouth. But when it came time for the next color, I realized...
me: i'm on yellow.
i HATE the yellow ones.
but order must be maintained.

So I ate it. Because that's the way the world is supposed to be. Orderly.


Melody Lun said...

I like that you snack while studying to prevent hypoglycemic shock. I should tell my mom that so she'll stop calling me a fatty.

Sometimes, I speculate that God is type A but then I realize that's probably unbiblical. And also, God created type B people, and even type B people were created in His image.

I want yummy bears. You should've saved the yellow one for me.

Melody Lun said...

I meant gummy bears, not yummy bears.

But gummy bears are yummy.

Megan said...

i will gladly eat your yellow ones next time. dont be hatin on the yellow, they my fave.